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The Power in Personal Development...

I know it sounds like a cliched comment but I’m telling you - I felt a “shift”. It was Day 8 of studying Shane Krider’s Beyond Freedom Evolution program in my early days here with Prosperity Of Life & I felt a significant shift in my energy, my mental clarity - it was like a fog had cleared from my headspace, and I know I am not alone in having these completely life transforming moments.

As a Solo Mum, having control over my health is a huge priority... having the energy for these 2 is the best!

Lemme give you some more reality around it…

In between having my first 2 children, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I was told “You just won’t be able to do as much as you would like to or as much as you have in the past” - this was like waving a red rag in front of a bull. (Literally! I’m an Aries star sign)! When I started Shane’s “BFE” program I knew right on Day One that I had my hands on something good. The limited exposure I’d had to Personal Development in my Corporate Career had shown me that I enjoyed it, I’d just never really been given the right tools to make big changes. I had this gut feeling that if I followed this course every day for a year that I could hit some pretty epic personal & financial goals, and so I went ahead into that New Year with that plan in mind - I had a roadmap to follow. I not only knocked out a bunch of personal goals throughout the year but I'd hit my biggest business goal too - earning in excess of a 6 figure income for the first time in my career.

It was on Day 8 that I felt this first major shift take place. My energy levels increased & I went running for the first time in a LONG time. With a baby in the stroller I was pounding the pavement along the esplanade on the Gold Coast & I felt “light” again. You see, I got started here with the main aim to hit bigger & better business and financial goals & to get clear on some personal goals. I did NOT get started to work on my health - I didn’t think I needed to, I thought I was managing my condition really well. It turns out that living on stimulants & barely getting through each day was not a sustainable strategy. I was just surviving, not thriving and I’ve since learned there’s a big difference in those spaces. Thriving is were it’s at for creating a truly beautiful life & lifestyle.

These days, it's a "must have" part of my life & as I'm sure many of you know from our training, when things get tough - double down on your Personal Development & this is always, every single time, my strategy.

Albert Jans in NZ - walking towards a much brighter future on his Personal Development journey

At Prosperity Of Life we see so many beautiful stories come up about the Personal Development journey that people choose to take themselves on. One that has come across my desk in this past week is from Albert in New Zealand & he's allowed me to share with you all. It was a couple of months ago that I had my last chat with Albert & right now, you can hear in his voice that he is in a completely new frame of mind & has the results to prove it too.

Just 4 months ago, Albert was in his doctors surgery for the 4th time in as many weeks, suffering from acute stress due to his employment conditions. Overworked, overweight & with his blood pressure way over what it should be, he was advised to make some radical changes before it was too late. Albert decided to take 2 weeks sick leave from his job to reevaluate his life. He got really clear on what he wanted his life to look like & made a commitment to doing the work on himself that would allow it to happen. So far Albert has dropped 23kg (50 pounds), successfully resigned from his job, lowered his blood pressure, restored regular contact with his siblings, walking 10km+ every day, making time for something he enjoys every week, staying committed to his Personal Development journey every single day & he's set that awesome goal of cracking a 6 figure income in the next year too.

"Personal Development is not restricted to reading a book or watching a video, it's much more than that. For me it's doing the things that make me grow as a person, keeps me vibrant and healthy & gives me the tools to serve the community." We always say "the Magic is in the Application" - until you start applying what you learn in Personal Development, you're cutting yourself off from the true power of of what it can create in your life. The key is, not to think that every day has to be "perfect" though - it's all about progress but making the changes you need to, to create the new results you want. I love Albert's new motto: "A mediocre day is better than a zero one". You're certainly moving ahead at a great pace Albert, I can't imagine there's many, if any, zero days anymore. Congrats on your commitment!

Alison Hillis, continually working on herself & her business to get the results she's after

Personal Development can "fall into your life" at some pretty key moments. What we then do with it when it does appear for us, is the difference maker. I was chatting with a beautiful Prosperity Of Life Community member - Alison Hillis recently, we call her "Part-Time Paris, Most of the time Melbourne Ali" since she lives between these 2 beautiful cities on opposite sides of the world. Ali shared with me that when she came across the 17 Day Personal Prosperity System & then moved on to Beyond Freedom Evolution, she really didn't know what to expect as she considered herself a "Personal Development newby", she just knew that she was ready for change. "After completing the first couple of days I could feel myself opening up to learning how to be a better version of me. I was keen to know how to show up differently with my family, particularly with my kids. I saw some significant moments of ‘Why didn’t I know this 10 years ago?!' Because of the way the programs are presented it allowed me to really understand what I was learning and also how I could apply it in my personal and professional life."

Carolina from Miami & Karen from Canada teaming up for our Personal Development concept dress up night in Cape Town!

Throughout our Personal Development journey there can be some "unpacking" to be done too but the tools & strategies we are taught throughout our courses give us the right framework to do this in a successful way. Alison went on to share with me that on one occasion at home during a conversation with her daughter they were discussing work/life balance and how it is often not balanced at all. "I shared with her how busy it was when they were little and finding time to spend with them was so stressful and I really regretted that. She understood and simply said - but Mum who you are now is wonderful and the work you are doing on yourself is amazing – I’m proud of you. I will always be a student of Personal Development because it works."

There it is... that commitment again, for now & forever. So, let me ask you a question that could prompt a big change in your life... How committed are you to your own Personal Development journey? Are you allowing the Power of Personal Development to play out in your life so that you really can achieve what you want?

You're the one the holds that key - I encourage you to unlock your Personal Power ahead of what could just be your best year yet.

To Your Success!

Kirsty Goldsworthy ~ Prosperity Of Life Branding & Corporate Communications


Audrey Shapiro
Audrey Shapiro

What a wonderful read for a Wednesday (too), Kirsty! One sentence (among many) that really stuck out for me, kind of summing things up in a way is, "Personal Development is not restricted to reading a book or watching a video..." Isn't that the truth?! Without some daily form of p.d. in my life, I'd go nuts. Beyond Freedom Evolution is truly a unique program!


Peggy Crane
Peggy Crane

Awwww Beautiful shares. Thank you Kirsty for your tenacious commitment to our Business Community and your way with words is beautiful. 🙏

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these inspiring stories!

Personal Development changes Lives! In fact I believe it SAVES lives!

I'm super grateful to have it back in my life again and the fact we have an online business associated with it is MAGICAL! 🌟

Peggy - Perth - WA.


Rachael Harvey
Rachael Harvey

I feel truly blessed to have found this community of amazing people who are genuinely dedicated to invest in personal development as a way to achieve authentic success, for themselves and for their teams. I've studied positive psychology at uni to a masters level and loved it, but I've been able to make more personal change by taking action from the 17Day, Mojo, BFE, Branding and Coaching programs at Prosperity of Life. It's the bite sized, action oriented content that really makes a difference. Who would have thought I would look forward to waking up to 6am live stream training calls? Such an inspiring way to start the day!


Tina Votava
Tina Votava

Literally Life Saving!! I was not introduced to Personal Development before Prosperity of life. I was laying in ICU at the Neurological Center, having all the doctors tell me I would never get anything back. The disease I contracted is very rare (1 in 900,000)! After I spent many weeks crying and feeling sorry for myself, I had one of the nurses open my phone to the BFE program. Even though she put the same session on most days... something just clicked in my belly. I was NOT going to 'go out' like that. At that point that little click began to grow as a full on cyclone! Long story short... it gave me the tools to learn how t…


Jennifer Monk
Jennifer Monk

Life changing content for sure. I have to agree with you all. I love that this style of personal development and the actionable content is truly unique to what I’ve done in the past. There are a lot of cheerleaders out there and then there is Shane and our award winning courses that have been highly transformational to me, a seasoned yoga practitioner and martial artist. these courses are the real world side to thriving in balance, head out of the clouds and fully present life experience ✨✨

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