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Harnessing the Transformative Power of Intention

We chatted with Prosperity Of Life Distributor & 50k Club Member Alison Hillis recently as she embarked on her second European adventure of the year, enjoying time in Paris & taking her Online Business along with her. Alison usually resides in Melbourne, Australia & has a strong career background as a Ballerina & then in the Corporate World and has family & friends in both the UK as well as Australia.

Alison shared with us her major turning points using our Personal Development Products, which has had a massive impact on her Professional & Financial Results in her Business. She admitted that when she got started, she didn't even know what Personal Development was. Ali was purely looking for a more flexible working solution at the time of feeling unfulfilled & hitting the burn out point in her career. Now, she's an avid student of Personal Development, because she's finding a huge amount of value in working on herself.

"If I detect something in me that is holding me back, I'll really delve deeply into that, to work out what I can do to minimise it..." Alison shared that she's less interested in why she has something holding her back & more interested in working on how to move forward. "I am much, much more interested in my future than I am in my past”.

What a powerful way to be!

The realisation that there’s nothing that can hold you back when you’re surrounded by the right people has also played a big part in Alison’s success here. I’ve caught up with Ali in Seattle - USA, Phuket - Thailand, the Gold Coast and Sydney - Australia and this is all because Alison keeps choosing to put herself in the room with our Prosperity Of Life Community members on as regular basis as possible! In addition to being on every single company Live Stream in between…

Alison Hillis taking her Prosperity Of Life Business around the World...
Alison Hillis taking her Prosperity Of Life Business around the World...

“When I joined Prosperity of Life after many years in Corporate I was blown away by the community I had become part of. Celebrating each other’s wins in such an authentic and open way wasn’t something I was used to! When I heard we were having an event in London earlier this year I took about 30 seconds to decide to fly back home from Melbourne for 5 days. It was the best decision I could have made. Being around people who are on the same page as you are lifts your energy and vibration like nothing else. I’ve come to realise that we always have a choice to immerse yourself fully in something or just dip a toe in and stay on the side-lines, missing the action and the fun that goes with it. Who doesn’t want fun in their life?!”

Alison recently did a "self-check" on where she was at in her Business, but that started with doing a self-check on who she was "Being" - as a Business owner, a Mum, a Wife, a Leader... this gave her the clarity she needed to set her intention, to create the result she was after both Personally & Professionally. With a $23kUSD profit month in the bank just now, she's certainly a brilliant demonstration of why the work on ourselves, coming back to basics, setting your intention AND having fun, is so very worth it.

Is it time to do a self-check for where you’re at right now? Who am I “Being” (in each area of your life) is a great question to start with…

To Your Success!

Kirsty Goldsworthy ~ Prosperity Of Life Branding & Corporate Communications


Jul 29, 2022

"Who am I being?" is such a powerful question for introspection. You are on a roll Alison, I love learning from you and seeing your wins.


Jul 29, 2022

Inspiring as always, Alison! I love hearing of your continued success, all while traveling around Europe no less!

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