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Driven by Your Success: We Love to See You Thrive

There's a great quote from the famous Author & Motivational Speaker Zig Ziglar that we often refer to in our Online Business training. It says - "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want"... but this quote, or philosophy can really be applied to almost any business, in any industry.

Being of service is something that we're passionate about here with Prosperity Of Life, so this quote is quite fitting for our training methods. I have the beauty of Welcoming many of our New Distributors on short zoom calls in their early days & sometimes the conversation leads into talking about what really breeds long lasting success & "duplication" within our teams.

There's a couple of main factors & I can tell you, after 14 years of working with Rachel & Shane Krider, they're tried & tested.

Members of our Leadership Training Team at a recent Event on the Gold Coast - the best cheer squad ever!
Members of our Leadership Training Team at a recent Event on the Gold Coast - the best cheer squad ever!

Firstly, our Company Wide Training Sessions that we run several times a week on Zoom, are always hosted by Leadership Team Members who are in action & well experienced in running this business. They've been through the different phases that teach you a lot about creating long lasting success. Providing training this way to the whole field of Distributors allows for everyone to have access to the same, top level training. Therefore, everyone has everything they need to succeed.

Which brings me to my second point. We want you to succeed. Seriously.

Whilst many of us (most of us) get started here with our own goals in mind (personal & of course financial), we very quickly make that shift to realising this is not just about us, this is something much bigger. It is SO good to achieve your own goals, hitting results at a level that you never even realised was possible is a crazy cool feeling. But when you see your own team members kicking their goals too, well, it goes beyond that proud Mama Bear feeling to one of "Oh my gosh, I'm actually making a difference in people's lives".

In a Welcome Zoom today with a beautiful young lady in Florida, she said that one of the main reasons she got started was because she had looked at many other business models but really felt drawn to Prosperity Of Life because she felt that she had to do something meaningful.

Karen Murphy awarding one of her Team Members a "Rising Star Trophy" for their Business Success.
Karen Murphy awarding one of her Team Members a "Rising Star Trophy" for their Business Success.

One of our Leadership Team Members Bruce Partridge, who is also a member of the Volunteer Marine Rescue in Queensland, is known for signing off almost every training call with "Go & be of service today". Such a good motto...

Chrissy & Col Greig from Tamworth, are celebrating more success throughout their team this month. "The best part of mentoring your team is being their number one cheerleader. At the beginning they share with you their goals and dreams and then to see them achieving it, is AWESOME. I'm super proud of them and we make sure we celebrate every little (or big) result along the way."

In chatting with Lise Reitsma who recently traveled from Canada to Australia to contribute in hosting various training segments at our recent Super Saturday Event, she said "I originally came to this business to see myself prosper and succeed. However, when I began to see my team create amazing results in their businesses it took my love of what we do, to a whole new level. Getting to be a part of someone's success journey is such a rewarding experience one that I had not expected."

The results & success that we celebrate is not just within out business either. We have a beautiful member of our community who got really clear on her "Why" in this business & last year hit her goal of providing the financial resources for 20 Australian students' tuition that year. Now that is really helping others to succeed...

So, have you got clear on your goals & how you can be of service to assist others achieve what they want too? I personally feel so fortunate that every single day that's a big part of what we do.

If that doesn't motivate you then I just don't know what will...

To Your Success!

Kirsty Goldsworthy ~ Prosperity Of Life Branding & Corporate Communications

38 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
22 mar 2023

Such a beautifully written post Kirsty ~ thank you! I love working with this community. We are from different places, with different experiences and backgrounds. I really enjoyed seeing that in this post. I love the teaching and learning we have the opportunity to give and receive. Blessings.

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Christine Dengate
Christine Dengate
15 mar 2023

I'm so grateful to be part of this supportive and inspiring community. Big thank to Shane, Rachel & Greg for this business and all of the fantastic content. Thank you!!

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09 mar 2023

Yeees, the training is really fantastic one!! Huge THANK you all for it!🙌

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09 mar 2023

It's so good to be in an environment where everyone is cheering each other on to succeed and supporting each other through all the ups and downs. I just love what I do every day and the personal development has been just what I needed. I love going through the 17 day course again and I have so much gratitude to all the leaders and Shane and Rach and Greg for this business. This is a community like no other. Thank you so much.

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08 mar 2023

This is so true! It's unlike any culture I've ever experienced before and I've had a long career working all over the globe for iconic corporate brands. It's truly remarkable to be in such a win-win culture, you seriously don't come across this every day. The supportive energy and level of training provided are second to none. I had to pinch myself a few times when I first got started - now I just practise gratitude every day to be here and to be enjoying success on a new level:)

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